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Market Pulse

Market Pulse December 2020

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The year 2020 will be remembered as one where the country dealt with the economic fallouts of the Covid-19 pandemic. Bangladesh remained firmly in growth trajectory despite the impacts of the pandemic. At a time when much of the world registered negative GDP growth, Bangladesh grew at 5.2% in FY’20. This marked the first time since FY11 that GDP growth went below the 6% level but the indicator fared much better than many anticipated, and Bangladesh remains a beacon of growth in a world ravaged by Covid-19. Bangladesh overtook India to become the leader in GDP per capita among South Asia’s three major economies. In addition, amid the ongoing pandemic, Bangladesh’s capital market performed outstanding in 2020. In the second half of the year, a good number of IPOs made the capital market even more vibrant by offloading primary shares worth of TK 8.68 billion, the highest amount in last five years. With this challenging economic scenario and bullish capital market in the backdrop, the year-end cover story brings to you the opinions and expectations of different top leaders of the economy regarding 2021.