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Market Pulse

Investment Guide 2021

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Bangladesh’s Capital Market is making significant strides and presents the opportunity for investors to partake in one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. The development of the market is expected to bring major shifts to the country’s nascent financial sector and accelerate the industrial growth of this dynamic and resilient nation. The market has successfully advanced its digital landscape in recent years and has carried out meaningful reforms that demonstrate the potential of Bangladesh’s rise on the global stage. However, it has the potential to grow faster than ever before as the country stands on the verge of becoming a middle-income nation. Demonstrating resilience and growth in a world ravaged by the pandemic, Bangladesh today stands center stage in the world. LankaBangla Capital Market Operations as a leading market intermediary has actively participated in the development process of the country’s financial markets and pioneered the knowledgebased investment environment by providing several online and offline information services. This edition on its 8th year of publication is a part of such initiatives accommodating data and information that enables rational investment planning. This publication focuses on the current economic scenario of Bangladesh and provides snapshots on different business sectors to facilitate investment decisions. The contents are not limited to listed companies or sectors only, rather accommodating other prospective and alternative investment environments. It also contains integrated discussions on the impacts of the recent Covid-19 pandemic in the economy. It wraps up with a summary of the capital market performance of the year 2020. As the tagline remarks, Bangladesh is going to celebrate the 50 years of Independence this year. This edition of the publication endeavored to portray the story of economic development that begun with the dream of our Independence in 1971. Bangladesh has come far and beat all odds and expectations but the story of this nation is only getting started.